Q: My agency hardly writes any more airline tickets, so I`m thinking about changing my NORMAL ARC appointment in the new Verified Travel Consultant classification, under which I can keep our ARC number, but not be able to issue tickets. The CRA`s reclassification application presupposes that I accept a new ARC VTC Services agreement. Does this agreement contain any surprises that the CRA may not have disclosed when the VTC program was announced last year? Employers are encouraged to provide vtc with feedback and feedback on student schedules and results and, if students have completed the task satisfactorily, to give a certificate indicating student engagement time. VTCs can provide reference models. Can the company complete the installation earlier than the agreed time? Yes, but we recommend that the company contact the VTC Investment Coordinator before resigning prematurely and discuss the best solution for all participating parties if you feel that the student results are not satisfactory. A reciprocal termination agreement is recommended. In addition, VTCs can, if necessary, help identify alternative apprentices. As a general rule, student responsibility is not a formal job and therefore an employment contract is not necessary. However, companies can choose to hire students as collaborators as part of an employment contract or to present an agreement or agreement to define the responsibilities and consensus of your company and their students. For example, if you are a regular accredited agency, ARC can only terminate its contract with you for certain reasons, such as financial default. B, fraud or an order from the travel umpire that cancelled your appointment. However, as soon as you switch to a VTC, „ARC or VTC may at any time terminate this VTC agreement for any reason.
Once completed, VTCs will be removed from the ARC list. When a formal employment contract is concluded, all manufactured work remains the property of the company. Otherwise, the company may be obliged to enter into an explicit agreement with the students concerned. While the VTC agreement provides for a review of the arbitrator`s disapproval, your only grounds for verification are that, in its disapproval, CRA has violated a federal or national law. Since no federal or national legislation contains or in any way contains standards for VTC applications, the right to review arbitrators has been rendered meaningless. A: Every time the CRA rolls out a new standard form agreement or amends the agreement for all accredited agencies, it tightens the screws on the agents. ARC`s latest legal product, the VTC agreement, could be the most damning legal document ever published by ARC. Therefore, if the airlines on the CRA board of directors ever decide that, for whatever reason, VTCs are no longer necessary or desirable, they could completely remove the category and the CRA could simply cancel all VTC appointments the next day. There would be no right of appeal. The minimum wage regulations do not apply to students and interns. This SVV, organized or approved by the IVE/HKDI (institutions created under the Regulation of the Vocational Training Council), is an electoral or compulsory component of the higher education or diploma programme, an accredited programme being proposed by the VTC. As a result, students in these full-time programs are not subject to the regulations.
When issuing a certificate, employers can apply to the appropriate apprenticeship places to confirm the identity of the trainee and to provide information on work organized or approved by the institutions. Full text of the legal minimum wage: references to employees and employers of students and model confirmation of „student trainee“ status published by the Ministry of Labour are available under www.labour.gov.hk/eng/news/pdf/Notes_for_Student_Employees_and_Employers.pdf.