Sample License Agreement For Intellectual Property

The licensee may require the licensee to take safety measures, for example. B passwords for the use of the content conceded, to ensure that the content is used in accordance with the conditions set out in the license. They may also want the licensee to track the use of their content. While it is not unreasonable to take security measures, a licensee should not assure the licensee that it can prevent unauthorized use of the content. This is something that a licensee cannot prevent, no matter how effective his security measures. It is acceptable to take security measures, as stated in the section above, but a licensee should not promise to prevent any unauthorized use of the licensee`s content. 3. – and the licensee agree that the licensee may continue to use the formulation and other formulations to treat existing and future patients and sell to these patients all drugs containing the formulation or other formulations. However, the licensee cannot (a) sell to others drugs containing such formulations or other formulations; (b) enter into agreements other than this Agreement to commercialize the wording or other formulations, or (c) engage in an activity that would otherwise be contrary to that exclusive licence. The owner of the content may include certain disclaimers, for example. B it does not guarantee that the content is accessible in a specific hardware or via specific software. The owner of the content may also expressly state that it does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the content, nor their accessibility or suitability for a specific use. In general, the owner of the content (with the exception of individual owners) will do everything in his power to ensure that his server is available 24 hours a day, with the exception of normal network administration and system downtime, and limits his responsibility for restoring access.

Some liability clauses limit the licensee`s liability to no more than the fee paid – something you might want to discuss with your institution`s lawyer. Some publicly funded organizations (for example. B in the United States) are not allowed to sign limited liability agreements, which may affect your license. Museum as a licensee: As a content owner, you want to ensure that only authorized people access authorized content. However, they must also be sensitive to the practicalities of tracking the use of licensed content. Be sure to include certain security precautions to prevent copyright infringement in your licensed content. Museum as a licensee: By accepting a shorter duration of the granting of rights, you can reduce the fee for the use of the content. Without this agreement, the owner of the valuable IP would not be able to earn money with this IP address or control how the IP is used in the world.