Kaiser Cna Agreement

Kaiser CNA Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) interested in working for Kaiser Permanente, it is important to understand the Kaiser CNA agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for CNAs working at Kaiser Permanente facilities.

Here are some key points to keep in mind about the Kaiser CNA agreement:

1. Competitive Compensation: Kaiser Permanente is committed to providing competitive compensation to its employees. This means that CNAs working at Kaiser can expect to earn a fair wage for their work.

2. Union Representation: Kaiser Permanente CNAs are represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 49. This means that CNAs have the support of an established union to advocate for their rights and interests.

3. Health Benefits: Kaiser Permanente offers a comprehensive health benefits package to its employees, including medical, dental, and vision coverage. CNAs working at Kaiser can take advantage of these benefits to maintain their own health and well-being.

4. Professional Development Opportunities: Kaiser Permanente values ongoing learning and development for its employees. CNAs working at Kaiser have access to professional development opportunities, including training and education programs.

5. Safe and Healthy Work Environment: Kaiser Permanente is committed to creating a safe and healthy work environment for its employees. CNAs working at Kaiser can expect to work in facilities that meet high standards for cleanliness and safety.

In summary, the Kaiser CNA agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for CNAs working at Kaiser Permanente facilities. By understanding this agreement, CNAs can make informed decisions about their employment and feel confident in their role as part of the Kaiser Permanente team.