DOH is currently ensuring that the vaccine is distributed throughout Pennsylvania (PA) through hospitals, health care providers, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), state health centers and pharmacies throughout the AP to allow access for medical personnel. More information will be provided as it becomes available. Pending the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, the Pennsylvania Department of Health will send a more formal invitation in the coming days and weeks for you to register as a COVID 19 vaccine provider. We will welcome existing partners who may already be part of Pennsylvania`s immunization program (for example. B pediatric vaccines), as well as new partners, both of which will be critical to the success of the COVID-19 immunization program in Pennsylvania. Please note that our vaccine distribution plan includes a three-step structure that matches the expected availability of doses. We can therefore take a targeted approach to registering COVID-19 vaccine providers. For example, in Phase 1, there may be a limited number of doses, so we will assign those suppliers who will be able to reach the critical populations most at risk. No, it is not recommended to purchase an ultra-refrigerating refrigerator for the COVID-19 vaccination program. In all cases, Pennsylvania suppliers must be certified/licensed to receive and administer the COVID 19 vaccine; Sign and agree on the terms of the CDC COVID-19 vaccination program offer agreement; and also fill out the CDC COVID-19 profiling form for each location where the COVID-19 vaccine is administered. Please note that federal physicians working in federal institutions may have professional licensing benefits from another jurisdiction and that some national pharmacy chains and federal institutions are advised to register directly with the CDC. Forms are attached as a reference and more information about the registration process is provided in the invitation letter and on our website.
We will also provide you with an email address and a phone number so you can share the information and contact us with questions. If you choose a COVID 19 vaccine provider, we will endeavour to work closely with you throughout the registration process and beyond to meet all identified training and technical assistance needs. We will also share new information as it becomes available based on the frequent updates we receive from the CDC.