Agreement Process Flow

If no proposal has been submitted by SPCS, the speaker or staff member is contacted to submit the corresponding proposal documents via the SPCS. A contract or agreement on sponsored activities will not be negotiated until the proper documents have been submitted. Regardless of the amount of research, planning and preparation that will be included in the first draft treaty, negotiations will almost always follow. Negotiations should start with transparency and trust. Anticipating and studying the needs of the other party before the interview simplifies the process and creates a solid foundation for a lasting relationship. Please send only editable versions of words for checking chords. Do not send PDFs, blocked documents or copies because contract services do not verify them, which will increase the time it takes to negotiate and sign an agreement. Contracting Services and/or Procurement Contracting Services (PACS) are responsible for the development and verification of agreements between the University of Arizona and external parties. All parties strive to ensure accountability, appropriate internal consultation, compliance with relevant rules, higher education legislation and policies, and the protection of higher education interests and resources. Once the agreement is reached with SPCS, it will be cross-referenced with the corresponding proposal file. In the UAccess Research database, a trading log is created to track the status of the bonus document.

Negotiations require giving and taking, which means that during the discussions, the proposed terms of the contract are likely to change many times. Effective contract management processes are based on contract models and process management software to fully integrate the requirements of internal and external parties into negotiations. As soon as an agreement is reached, the finished document is generated automatically. Automation of contract management workflow is based on the integration of four factors: internal and external party requirements, process management software, contract submissions and actual contracts. An effective contract management process requires the planning, design and implementation of standardized procedures that take into account the expected and unexpected events that occur during the development and issuance of contracts. With the right workflow and content automation solution, such as.B Nintex Document Generation for Salesforce, you can create one-click contracts with customer details and other important information. This saves you every day hours that your employees can direct for more creative tasks or for customer-oriented tasks when creating the contract. Automating the workflow allows for much faster document authorization, which has a big impact on the provision of contracts to your business. Creating an automated workflow that triggers updates in other areas of the business can allow for a quick contracting process, in which anyone who needs to see the contract can do so quickly by authorizing or processing it as needed. Take contract services into the process as soon as possible so that the terms can be pre-negotiated.