Uel Pgce Student Agreement Form Secondary

As a prospective secondary school teacher, enrolling in a UEL PGCE program is an exciting milestone in your career journey. However, before you begin your studies, you will need to complete the UEL PGCE student agreement form secondary.

The student agreement form is an important document that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both the university and the student. It is a legally binding contract that must be agreed upon and signed by both parties before the start of the program.

The form covers several key areas, including academic standards, attendance, conduct, and confidentiality. Let`s take a closer look at each of these areas.

Academic Standards

As a UEL PGCE student, you are expected to maintain high academic standards throughout the program. This means attending all lectures, completing assignments on time, and adhering to the university`s academic policies. You are also expected to seek help and guidance when needed and to engage in constructive feedback from your mentors and peers.


Regular attendance is vital to your success in the program, as well as your future career as a teacher. The student agreement form requires you to attend all scheduled lectures, seminars, and placements, except in cases of illness or other extenuating circumstances. It is your responsibility to inform your tutor or mentor if you are unable to attend a session.


Professional conduct is a critical aspect of the teaching profession, and the student agreement form outlines the expected standards of behavior. This includes respecting the rights and dignity of others, maintaining a safe and inclusive learning environment, and refraining from any behavior that could damage the reputation of the university or the teaching profession.


Teacher-student confidentiality is crucial in building trust and maintaining a safe learning environment. The student agreement form requires you to protect the privacy of your students and to refrain from sharing any confidential information about them with anyone not authorized to receive it.

In conclusion, the UEL PGCE student agreement form secondary is a vital document that sets the expectations and responsibilities for both the university and the student. It outlines the expected academic standards, attendance, conduct, and confidentiality, ensuring that all parties are aware of what is required of them. As you begin your journey towards becoming a secondary school teacher, take the time to read and understand this document carefully. It will help you to stay on track and succeed in your program.